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Praxis v7.2 - Fixes
Posted by Jose Ortiz on 07 November 2018 01:21 PM

Dear Praxis Clients,


As we continue to improve our development efforts, we wish to make you aware of new fixes that are released for Praxis 7.2.

The screenshot below will point out where you can view what fix has been applied. The last 2 digits would indicate in this example that 17 fixes have been applied. Currently 18 available.


If you have Praxis on client workstations, please download and run the following component to apply latest fix:

Note: apply as local Windows Administrator, with Praxis closed. Reboot the machine after applied.




If you connect via Terminal Services (server + terminal server), the same component must be downloadd and applied on the server and terminal server. All users must be off Praxis, also followed by reboot.


Cloud Users

Please contact our Live Support to coordinate application from 8am to 8pm EST.


We appreciate your patience and cooperation. Please do not hesitate in contacting us if any questions arise.




Praxis Support Team

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