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Praxis EMR

Dear Praxis Clients,

We are very pleased to provide you with the 2020 Practice Guidelines that must be active by October 1, 2020.

The list is based on your previous requests. Note that some of you have the PAs pertaining to previous years.  We recommend you review the current criteria and line items with those of this year as CMS changes them yearly and some guidelines have been deprecated by CMS for 2020.  Often changes in the PA require only a minor adjustment on your part.  Alternatively, you may delete yours and add the new ones, but keep in mind that:

1. They will delete the timers as though the patient was new.
2. You still need to review and adapt our work to your practice. 

We have added a Mini-Manual with step-by-step instructions and which reviews each PA in detail.  If your desired guideline is not there, don't worry.  We will be happy to assist, just please let us know ASAP.  There is no guideline that Praxis cannot attest.

Here they are:
*  Practice Advisories for MIPS 2020

In other news we are continuing to improve Praxis and the future releases will be very exciting.  As you know, Praxis finally caught up with the onerous federal requirements for MACRA, and now we are focusing on improving the software for you.  We are soon releasing a new Patient Portal that will be improved dramatically. It including a patient scheduler, patient intake forms that flow right into the PSI of your SOAP Note, and patient medications refill request.  We are releasing a superb new Telemedicine Module that may activate automatically from the patient record, as well as an up to date current medications interface. 

Still more amazing developments are in the works.  We are slowly migrating Praxis to the latest technology that will make it significantly faster and easier to use.  This is a long awaited and major improvement that is still a few months away.  In essence, we are re-writing much of the code that Praxis is built on.  We will keep you posted on this exciting new development.

A new upgrade will be released in the next few days with the latest drugs and the ICD-10s, vaccines and CPTs for 2021.

As always, thank you for all your wonderful support and keep your ideas coming!

Warmest Regards,


Richard M. Low, MD
Infor-Med Corporation - Praxis® Electronic Medical Records
5800 S Eastern Ave Suite 500, Commerce, CA 90040, USA
Direct: (818) 264 4032 Office:  (818) 592-2900 x 5
Direct fax: (818)743-7759

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Praxis v8.0 has been certified! - Apr 16th 2020
Posted by Jose Ortiz on 11 May 2020 04:17 PM
Dear Praxis Clients,

We are delighted to report that the office of the National Coordinator of  Health Information Technology (CMS) has just granted Praxis version 8 the  Certificate of Compliance you will need to attest for MIPS.

This is the result of seven long years of work, where we set a goal to carry out  the major re-engineering required by the federal government without  degrading Praxis usability.  This is something that happened to  most of our competitors in their rush to meet impossible deadlines. We are  proud to say that this goal was accomplished to a great degree, but we will  continue to improve on that. 

The Certificate number is:

(Please see below for more information which will be placed on our website as well)

As you know, the government has postponed MIPS attestation until April 30th  of this year, and in addition you may request a further postponement under other  conditions.

Now that we have completed this objective, our entire team is working around the  clock to improve Praxis based on your recommendations. 

Our first  priority is the Telemedicine Module which is being released shortly. We  thank all of you who have provided us with ideas and critiques on this  module, in particular Doctor Clayton Reynolds, who has been using Praxis in  his full-time telemedicine practice for the last two years.

Thank you so much for your trust, patience and loyalty. We could not do this  without your wonderful support!


Richard M. Low, MD
Infor-Med Corporation - Praxis® Electronic Medical Records
5800 S Eastern Ave Suite 500, Commerce, CA 90040, USA
Direct: (818) 264 4032 Office:  (818) 592-2900 x 5
Direct fax: (818)743-7759

Joseph Madden
ONC Certification Body Manager
709 Fiero Lane, Suite 25
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

This is to certify that representative sample(s) of the Product described herein ("Certified Product") have been investigated and found in
compliance with the Standard(s) indicated on this Certificate, in accordance with the ONC Health IT Requirements. The designated
Certificate holder is entitled to use the ONC Health IT Certified Mark for the Certified Product, in accordance with the applicable Global Services Agreement (GSA) and the Service Terms. This Certificate shall remain valid, until the Edition is retired by ONC rulemaking or unless terminated earlier in accordance with the GSA including without limitation if the Standard(s) identified on this Certificate is amended or withdrawn.

T46 v1.0

UL LLC, an Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT-Authorized Certification Body (ONC-ACB) certifies that the
Health IT Module listed below meets the certification criteria identified in 45 CFR 170 Subpart C of the 2015 Edition ONC
Standards and Certification Criteria also listed below.

Certificate Number 413
Certification Date 2020-04-13
Issued to: Infor*Med Medical Information Systems Inc.
5800 S Eastern Ave Suite 500, Commerce, CA 90040
Product: Praxis EMR
Version 8

Has been investigated by UL in accordance with the Standard(s) indicated on this Certificate.
Standard(s): 45 CFR 170 Subpart C
Additional software required to satisfy select certification criteria:
EMR Direct
The complete list of certified Health IT Modules is posted on the ONC Certified HIT Product List (CHPL) website at:
Page 2 of 2
Certification Criteria:
170.315(a): 170.315(b): 170.315(c): 170.315(d): 170.315(e): 170.315(f):
(f)(1) (g)(2)
Clinical Quality Measures
Measure Ver. Measure Ver. Measure Ver. Measure Ver. Measure Ver. Measure
CMS 50 v4, v7 CMS 75 v4, v7 CMS 123 v7 CMS 131 v7 CMS 146 v7 CMS 163 v4
CMS 52 v7 CMS 77 v4 CMS 124 v4, v7 CMS 132 v7 CMS 148 v4 CMS 165 v5, v7
CMS 62 v4 CMS 82 v3, v6 CMS 125 v4, v7 CMS 134 v7 CMS 153 v7 CMS 166 v5
CMS 65 v5, v8 CMS 90 v5, v8 CMS 127 v4, v7 CMS 138 v7 CMS 161 v4, v7
CMS 66 v7 CMS 117 v7 CMS 129 v8 CMS 139 v7
CMS 74 v4, v8 CMS 122 v7 CMS 130 v7 CMS 145 v7

(Note that there are additional eCQMs previously certified by the Drummond Group for the current attestations. You will see them in the ECQM window in your Praxis. In addition, of course, you may certify via the Healthmonix Registry for many others).

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New CPT Codes for the COVID infection - Mar 25th 2020
Posted by Jose Ortiz on 11 May 2020 04:14 PM
Dear Clients,

We have been requested to provide you with certain additional CPT codes to cover Telemedicine and the COVID infection

Please be advised that all approved CPTs should be currently in your Praxis Version 8 except this one:

87635 - Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA); severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) - recently added by the American Medical Association.

This code may be added to your Praxis by following these steps:

Step 1
Access the SERVER (physical or cloud) using Administrator privileges

Step 2
Download the following file (CPT.exe) from here:

Step 3
Execute the downloaded file This need only be done once in your server. You need not do so in the workstations.

Step 4
Access your Praxis to check the update: 
Go to virtual SOAP and select the above CPT within the brackets of any Procedure or Plan element.

If you do not locate it or have any other difficulties contact our support via online chat, and we will install it for you.

Thank you!

Richard M. Low, MD
Infor-Med Corporation - Praxis® Electronic Medical Records
5800 S Eastern Ave Suite 500, Commerce, CA 90040, USA
Direct: (818) 264 4032  Office:  (818) 592-2900 x 5
Direct fax: (818)743-7759

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